How did the Secular Franciscan Order begin?
The Secular Franciscan Order began while Saint Francis was still alive. From the very beginning of his ministry Saint Francis found people who desired to follow his way of life and spirituality while living in the world. Saint Francis’ first response to this was to write to them what is called “The First Letter to all the Faithful”. This letter could have been written as early as 1215. So many people wanted to follow Saint Francis that the Rule of the Secular Franciscans was approved in 1221. One of the earliest Secular Franciscans was Lady Jacoba de Settesoli who was present when Saint Francis died in 1226.
How does one live the Gospel values of the Secular Franciscans in the world?
In Chapter two of the Secular Franciscan Rule we find the statement, “…going from Gospel to life and life to the Gospel.” This is a process whereby we use the Gospel to discern how we should act in real terms during all our life in each situation. If we develop a real relationship with the Lord through prayer and reading the Gospel then this relationship will change the way we look at the world and other people. The reading and meditation on the Gospel teaches us to change our attitudes. It teaches us to be aware, to discern and to act with love and compassion.
What do Secular Franciscans do?
Secular Franciscans live and do their work as anyone else does, but with a consciousness of trying to live the Gospel values in their lives. In particular, as well as their daily lives are most usually quite involved in the parishes they belong to. They are Readers at Mass and Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers often taking Communion to the sick. They also look after the Altar as assistant sacristans looking after Altar Linen, Vestments Chalices and Flowers and cleaning the Church. Saint Francis insisted in his letters that Franciscans take very good care of everything that has to do with the Blessed Sacrament.
Contact Person: Eileen Gerber at 806-777-8844